Opportunities Submitted

Company NameBarros Logistics & Noerr Trucking
Contact NameScott Noerr
Contact EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Contact Phone(717) 437-0473
Opportunity NameMAG LLC
Location of BusinessAtlanta GA
When was the business started?2009
What is the business most known for?Trucking
Who is/are owner/owners?George and Patricia Hayes
Why sell the business?

Support his goals of furthering the kingdom of God.

Are you looking to recapitalize the business by selling a majority stake to aggressively take the business to next level?No
Who will remain on the ownership level?Danielle Barros
Is the owner(s) planning to stay around? If so, what is their thinking?

Exit and earn outs to grow the company and keep working.

What is the maturity level of the business?Post Revenue and Profitable
EBITDA or Profit for same period$10M
Trailing 12 Month Revenue$50M
Trailing 12 Month EBITA$5M
Any significant debt on the business?None
Why did the business start?

Veteran who had his own truck and started a niche operation.

Why did the business start?

Veteran who had his own truck and started a niche operation.

How did business get to where it is at?

Ownership grew in proper operational and expansion markets with excellent management.

Aggregations or Organic growth?


Any tailwinds or headwinds facing business/sector?

High interest rates currently.
High equipment costs for new acquisitions.
Low consumer purchases.

Excellent balance sheet (and just got better)
Reduction of competition in current marketplace.

Sector insights from owner and what the opportunity going forward with new owner might look like?

Trucking market is bad, expected a decrease in 2023, but it will increase late 2023 into 2024.

Plan is to increase by 40-50 trucks with good market conditions.

What is the unique story of business -- how is it different then their competition –what makes them better/worse?

No forced dispatch, in fact, self dispatch.

They also lease trucks and trailers to new drivers to help get their start.

Flat fee of the revenue.

Provide any additional notes, information or data that supports this opportunity

Package deal already submitted.

LOI in place, expect signatures this week. 90 days exclusivity.

$14M would be the perfect number for down-payment and operational cash flow.

Date CreatedMay 29, 2023
Date UpdatedMay 29, 2023