Overview: 3 y/o Health/Wellness Supplement Brand
TTM Revenue: $ $1,382,356, $510,393 SDE, $292,250 EBITDA
26% Return Customer Rate in the last quarter
14k Followers on SM & 6.5k Email Subscribers
Overview sheet here:
Scaling the ecom brand and expanding to other channels
EBITA (Range)
Company General Business Specialty/Industry (Description: What does the company do)
Supplements supporting: Health, Mood, Sex, Fitness
General Business Model and Market
Google ads to Website, Females mostly. 100% of sales from Shopify website. Zero Amazon presence or other channels.
Revenue Range Stratification (Product Lines/Service)
Available upon request – 50% of revenue from the Female Libido Boost product
Geographic Location(s) and Big Business Line Categories
Delivers to USA
Additional Summary Success/Growth/History “Details” Bullets i.e. Growth, track record, Growth Potential
See here:
Transition Plan
Team will stay in place to continue operations. Owner available to support transition.
Reason for Selling or Seeking Capital
Owner is a serial entrepreneur who has experience with Google ads and sourcing good products. He wants to purchase an apartment from his hard work with this business and shift to a different business which is more his passion: mental health.
Final Standard Comments
Friend of mine, can provide additional info as requested.